Perfect Partners series: Planning

Perfect Partners Planning

Picture this: You have just settled into your dream home after years of saving. Then one day, a letter is delivered through the door informing you that a 200-home development has been proposed for the land opposite you. You might not be happy about this, right? Well, this is an ever-increasing scenario which could happen to you or your client.

In addition to nearby planning applications, your client may also want to be made aware of planning constraints early in the transaction. This will allow them to assess potential future development opportunities.

We offer standalone planning reports in addition to all-in-one Environmental helping you to be flexible to your client’s requests.

Groundsure Planning

The Groundsure Planning reveals full planning information ranging from house extensions to project planning applications from the last 10 years. But it doesn’t just stop there, it also reveals further information such as planning constraints including Green Belt, National Parks, Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.

Landmark Planning

The Landmark Planning report includes daily updated planning information giving your clients details on nearby planning applications that may impact the property as well as any types of development that are currently being carried out in the area.

Perfect Partner! Did you know that you can get 10% off a planning report and all additional products when ordering a bundle that’s combined with a CON29DW search?

Speak to us at or on 01225 526206 and create yours today.

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