Groundsure Siteguard Update

From 14th December, the Groundsure Siteguard search will be relaunched to include the following new features:

  • Colour coded front page risk summary with detailed guidance and recommendations provided on the next page
  • Embedded hyperlinks to help you navigate to parts of the report where risks have been identified - making the report much easier to use 
  • Improved and clearer flood risk reporting, ground stability and radon risk reporting
  • Smoother more concise report
  • Clearer presentation of mapping and data tables.

You can be rest assured that the same high-quality data, guidance and professional opinion will still be there. These changes should help to make the reports clearer and easier to understand allowing you to feedback to your clients quicker.

You can view the product page on our site here.

If you would like to discuss this, or any other matter further in more detail, please contact us on 01225 526206 or at