FCI Premium Residential
The Future Climate Info Premium Residential report contains all the information from the standard report and includes data on energy and infrastructure such as wind farms, shale gas exploration, and HS2.
This report complies with the Law Society guidance and practice notes and includes a professional opinion on all data provided. The information provided is clear and concise to make it easy to read.
FCI Premium Residential is suitable for the following:
- Residential
- Existing properties
- Nationwide
- Buyers
- Lenders
FCI Premium Residential is not suitable for the following:
- Vendors
- Commercial
- Development sites
- Specific areas
- Tenants
The report analyses data on contaminated land, flood, ground stability and energy and infrastructure. To keep things clear and concise the report uses a modular approach, ensuring that each element provides a consistent response for each report across the product range.
The report contains the relevant datasets for each module from all the key sources, including FCI’s own high quality, unique research of historical maps for potentially contaminated and in-filled land.
As each report uses a modular approach to ensure the data is uniform throughout the range, you can select the report with the modules you require:
- Essential – environmental and flood
- Standard – environmental, flood and ground stability
- Premium – environmental, flood, ground stability, energy and infrastructure.
The report comprises the relevant datasets from all the key information sources, which includes FCI’s own high quality research of historical maps for potentially contaminated land and in-filled land.
Each data module consists of various information which is key to an environmental report. Consideration of environmental issues and contaminated land has become a key element of the conveyancing process. Identifying historical industrial activities and past waste disposal practices such as gas works, chemical works, landfill sites, storage works and petrol stations ensures that the homebuyer is informed in-line with Law Society guidance.
As well as contamination, other environmental risks can affect a property. The Law Society practice note lists surface water, groundwater, river and coastal as the most common types of flooding. The report contains comprehensive, property-specific information on these flood risks from all the authoritative sources. The report goes further by reporting the recorded history of flooding for the property and an indication is also given of the likelihood of obtaining flood insurance.
It is now common practice in conveyancing to check for ground stability risks such as coal mining, mining in other mineral, areas of unstable ground, natural cavities (such as sinkholes) and clay shrinkage. FCI reports contain comprehensive, property specific information on these risks from all the authoritative sources.
It is increasingly common practice in conveyancing to check for energy and infrastructure risks such as carbon capture and storage, coal bed methane extraction, Crossrail, gas recovery from mines, HS2, hydropower installations, oil, gas and shale gas, major energy, environmental and transport infrastructure projects, power stations, solar farms, underground coal gasification, and wind farms. FCI reports contain comprehensive, property specific information on these risks from all the authoritative sources.
This report is available within 24 hours.